I was Paul Grosshuesch's secretary from 1942-1953. Those were the days. I remember how we got by after Nels (Nelson Hauptman '46, now deceased) and I got married. I received, in those days, a fair salary plus a large room in the glassed-in area of the President's old home for living quarters. Meanwhile, Nels worked in the boiler room during the evening with our good friend "Louie." Nels and I lived together, but he still had to pay for his room and board. My meals were also included in my salary and, being one of the few girls on the campus, I was allowed to sit with the guys. Consequently, I never got any dessert! The gentlemen saw to it that it was immediately horse 'n goggled to the winner of the game. But as I said before, in Archie Bunker's words, "those were the days."