
Allison Komaromy '08

I came to Lakeland to play basketball for Coach Arvan and to become a high school math teacher. I grew up and transitioned into an independent, confident woman. I quickly became a lunch buddy and then a "big sister" to Maria, a 4th grader in Howards Grove. My greatest memories include all the parties at the apartments with the basketball girls, especially my freshmen year. I also remember walking from place to place in many feet of snow at night. I remember the many nights in the Pub listening to comedians, playing trivia, catching up, and dancing over a cheap drink. I remember locker room dances, bus trips, cutting down nets, running to the church and back, bawling my eyes out, and feeling like I couldn't go any further and then doing it anyway. I remember Professor Devaney and his pipe and brilliant mind. I remember May term in Mexico with Senorita Shumway and traveling to Italy and England on the theater/basketball trip.

My student teaching experience at Sheboygan landed me a high school math teacher position at Sheboygan North High School. In addition to teaching, I coach freshmen basketball and I am completing my masters degree in coaching and athletic administration.

The irreplaceable friendships formed at Lakeland have continued on through weddings, birth, outings and much more.

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